What Our Clients Say | Testimonials from Quality Associates Inc.
We needed a local systems integrator with a proven track record in the document management business and good reputation for quality, customer service, and accessibility at a moment’s notice if necessary. We also sought one that shared our “best practices mentality” and could help us to improve service to our internal customers. QAI was able to provide more services and a more secure archival solution than other vendors we considered.
Daniel Kovalsky
This project was truly an ideal fit for both Quality Associates and iScan. While QAI guided the technical strategy and workflow, iScan supplied the majority of the personnel needed to process the documentation and perform quality assurance on this extensive project. We are looking forward to working with QAI on future projects.
Jeff Edwards
QAI has been working with us over the past two years digitizing our paper-based regulatory files for our electronic archives. This allows us to easily retrieve and search for information without having to pull paper files, and allows us to more easily and readily support our commercial and R&D customers with accurate regulatory information. QAI has been a very important partner to Allergan on this project; and by the time this project is finished they will have literally been around the world with us, assisting our efforts on six of the seven continents. The QAI team has received great praise from the Allergan offices they’ve worked at as part of this project, and I’ve received many compliments from our international affiliates on their professionalism, expertise, and efficiency. It has been a great project with a lot of success stories all the way around, and having QAI on the team from the outset has been a big part of that.
David Licht
For over three years, QAI has been working with LIUNA to digitize documents and help it become a paperless organization. The project involved implementing a model at our Washington, D.C., headquarters that could be replicated by 17 departments and 9 regional offices across the United States and Canada. With over 5 million paper documents in need of scanning, the project was daunting. However, QAI’s expertise made it painless. QAI invited us to tour its facilities and view multiple-station scanning operations in progress. Next, QAI guided us through the equipment acquisition and installation process. Then, QAI trained our personnel so that they could not only scan documents themselves but also train their counterparts in the field. Seven regional offices are already operational with others ready to come online soon. Our entire organization is most pleased with QAI and the phenomenal support it provided. The model met all our needs, and efficiently transformed LIUNA into the digital organization it sought to be. Best of all, QAI was always willing to listen to our ideas and serve as a sounding board as part of its basic service package. Few companies today are willing to provide this level of support, but QAI does.